Complaints Procedure
We always endeavour to provide the best service for our clients. However, on rare occasions, we recognise that there may be times where our customers may not be completely satisfied.
In order to put things right as soon as we can, please read our complaints procedure below and we will respond promptly to ensure complete satisfaction.

Stage 1
Stage 1 – A customer query/complaint will typically be initially taken over the phone or by email. One of our assigned Customer Managers will attempt to resolve the issue, typically where the complaint is a matter of simple mis-understanding eg scope of works, billed amount.

Stage 2
Stage 2 – Should the complaint be more than a query eg unresolved from stage 1 or it warrants written complaint and the customer wishes to register a formal complaint then they are invited to place the complaint in writing. ALL written complaints are reviewed by a Director who will contact the customer and the JP Developer's team members involved and investigate. The Director will then issue a written response within 14 days of receipt of the complaint. The contact details of another Director will be provided should the customer wish to appeal or be unhappy with the response/finding.

Stage 3
Stage 3 – The customer is invited to write with their appeal and it will be investigated by the appointed Director and considered by the Board as a whole. The findings will be communicated in writing. Unless further facts are brought to the attention of the Board, this will be the Company’s final decision and will take no longer than 28 days to issue.